And it was on the next day when my periods ended. It doesnt happen every time so its not definite someone will become pregnant if semen has gone inside their vagina. Aunt Vadge Sex And Fingering Am I Pregnant My Vagina Good luck Livia xxx 1 2 3 4 5. . But it is possible to get pregnant if a guy gets pre-ejaculate precum or ejaculate on his finger and then puts it in a girls vagina. Probability of fingering causing pregnancy 207 MountainVA 25072022 2106 Please do not shame me Im feeling terrible and my mental health is in shambles. Here are the facts before I ask question-40 YO-2 kids conceived super easy 11 13 -In. Fingering on its own cant lead to pregnancy. But fingering can also cause pregnancy IF theres semen on the hand thats touching the vulva. Sometimes bleeding after fingering or other sexual contact is a coincidence. Inova Cares for Women Children 6400 Arlington Blvd 210 Falls Church VA 22042 Plan...